Israel’s Strategic Peril

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jun 04, 2024 | Clingendael Conflict Research Unit

The International Court of Justice and theInternational Criminal Court may not matter in Israel, but they do influencehow the world sees the country. Years of legal wrangling are likely to unearthevery misstep during occupation and war. Student protests across Westerncountries and the Eurovision song festival controversy are also harbingers ofIsrael’s growing social isolation. The destruction of Gaza has exposed Israelto a series of strategic risks that will be difficult to mitigate. Together,they will make it impossible for Israel to market itself as a secure and liberal democracy once the guns fall silent, suggests Erwinvan Veen of the Clingendael Conflict Research Unit. But if Israel wantspeace and democracy, it will have to undo major elements of occupation. As thiswill not happen soon, the most likely peaceful alternative is that theinternational community will impose a two-state solution.

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