AI and Autonomous Weapons Systems: The Time for Action is Now

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jun 06, 2024 | Saferworld

With global attention turning towards thegrowing use (and misuse) of artificial intelligence (AI) in militarytechnologies, Saferworld’s Charlie Linney and Xiaomin Tang look at thechallenges ahead for the international community as it moves towardsregulation. AI is already transforming the way militaries operate, yet nomultilateral regulation yet exists to control their use or transfer, or toprotect civilians. For the protection of civilians from harm, legally bindingregulations are needed fast. Without procedures, norms and legally bindingrules to regulate new technologies, there is nothing to constrain thedevelopment, proliferation and use of more advanced systems such as autonomousweapons systems (AWS). While ‘killer robots’ on the battlefield and a lethaland fully (AWS) capacity to identify, select and target humans may still besome way off, the autonomy in military equipment and operations is increasing.

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