China-Russia Alignment – A Threat to Europe’s Security

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jul 08, 2024 | Chatham House

Russia and China are seeking to advancetheir strategic objectives, undermine perceived Western domination of theglobal order, and impact Europe’s future security, note Natalie Sabanadsze,Abigael Vasselier, and Gunnar Wiegand in their article for Chatham House.Beijing plays an important role for Russia’s war efforts, regardless of China’sstatus as Europe’s largest trading partner, or its desire to hedge on Europe towin its geostrategic competition with the United States. The authors policyrecommendations revolve around three pillars: revising Europe’s view of Chinato acknowledge the security threat it represents; recognising China’s potentialrole in ending the war in Ukraine without weakening European security; and clarifyingred lines and imposing costs on China for its support for Russia’s war effort.


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