Beyond the Battlefields: Practical Strategies for Halving Global Violence in Our Homes, Streets and Communities

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jul 08, 2024 | Halving Global Violence Task Force at NYU’s Center on International Cooperation

Strategies to halve global violence, whichcosts the global economy more than $2 trillion in 2022, are an achievableimperative according to this report by the Halving Global Violence TaskForce at NYU’s Center on International Cooperation (CIC). The reportresults from a collective effort spanning several years by officials, experts,and activists committed to reducing all forms of violence. Eight to ninetypercent of all violence happens outside of armed conflicts. The costs ofviolence, both human and economic, are staggering, but often poorly understood.By implementing the actionable solutions outlined in this analysis, safer, morejust societies can be created for future generations.

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