Defending Europe with less America

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jul 17, 2024 | European Council on Foreign Affairs

Competing US priorities and polarised domesticdebates, as well as Europe’s deteriorating security environment, mean thatEuropeans urgently need to strengthen their ability to defend the continentwith less input from the US. In this paper for the European Council onForeign Affairs, Camille Grand operates on thepremise of a continued transatlantic alliance, but assumes that US engagementin Europe will decline, including in domains where Europeans are heavilyreliant on American forces and capabilities. It is time for Europeans toapproach defence much more strategically, invest in defence in the long term,and actively prepare to accept more responsibilities. The author suggests thatthiswould give European countries the ability to address most scenarios from crisismanagement to collective defence with limited US support. This would prove notonly the best way to guarantee Europe’s security, but also to secure the futureof the transatlantic alliance, a more security- and defence-oriented EU, and amore European NATO.

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