Labour Market Integration for Refugees: A Social Justice Framework

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Jul 17, 2024 | UNU-MERIT

The continuing tendency to warehouserefugees, often in neighbouring countries, has led to a state of limbo. duringwhich refugees rely on external assistance. While assistance with time declines,as humanitarian aid falls short in the long run, the transition fromhumanitarian aid to development is unpredictable. Tamara Kool and Zina Nimeh examine in their workingpaper for UNU-MERIT, the ability of long-term refugees to join the labour market. Despite international guarantees for the right towork, many refugees face legal and bureaucratic barriers, leading to exclusionfrom host communities and over- reliance on diminishing humanitarian aid. Bysynthesizing literature on the participation of refugees in labour marketsagainst the backdrop of social justice theories, and considering socialexclusion, the authors construct a conceptual framework for understanding oflabour market engagement that includes both formal and informal sectors. Thepaper highlights the need for policies that support agency and self-reliancefor refugees.

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