Asian Powers Set Their Strategic Sights on Europe

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jul 23, 2024 | Foreign Policy

The rapid growth of Asian economies and theredistribution of global power in favor of the East heralds a new era in therelationship between Europe and Asia. What began as a shift in economic power,is now extending to the geopolitical, military, and technological realms, RajaMohan suggests in his article for Foreign Policy. After 500 years, thetables have turned, with an incoherent Europe the object of rising Asia’sgeopolitical ambitions.The fact that Chinese troops are participating,for the first time, in exercises only a few miles from NATO’s eastern borderunderlines the extent to which Europe and Asia are trading places - with theformer becoming the strategic object of the latter. However, by sharingWashington’s burdens in the East and treating Asia as a geopolitical equal,Europe can regain its place on the global chessboard.

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