Turbocharging the Energy Transition

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Jul 23, 2024 | European Union Institute for Security Studies

In its ambition to become a green energyand technology hub, the EU has to reckon with China’s dominance over clean techsupply chains. For the EU to achieve its goals, it must embrace innovative emergingtechnologies, suggests LukasTrakimavičius in his article for the European Union Institute forSecurity Studies. The EU’s commitment to the energy transition isundeniable, with policies like the European Green Deal and the Net-ZeroIndustry Act paving the way towards a climate-neutral Europe. However, ambitiousrhetoric notwithstanding, the overall mood across EU capitals is muted.Expressions of concern about the erosion of the EU’s clean tech industry andthe need to ‘catch up’ and ‘not fall behind Beijing’ have dominated thepolitical narrative. To be at the forefront of industrial innovation, the EUmust focus on the technologies of tomorrow.


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