The ‘Evergreen Economy’: Harnessing the Power of Healthy Longevity

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jul 23, 2024 | McKinsey&Company

Global life expectancy is now over 70. In high-income countries, 50percent of children are expected to live to their late 80s or early 90s, although they may not be healthier for longer. It must be assured that people remain productive and engaged for longer, emphasises Andrew Scott in his interview with Ellen Feehan of McKinsey&Company.This raises the question how persons can respond to this extra length of life by making sure that they not just live longer - but remain healthier, engaged, and productive forlonger. That will require many technocratic changesabout the economy, the financial sector, and health systems. But above all, itremains a personal issue. People wholive longer are those who have a sense of purpose, a sense ofcommunity, and a sense of engagement. So, adapting to longer lives is, in somesense, the ultimate collaborative activity

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