No Shortcuts: Only Well-Managed AI Will Deliver on Its Promise

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Aug 01, 2024 | Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation

Generative AI tools can help create moreequity in education. Gen AI can also help reduce the burden on governmentofficials as they review voluminous comments from the public regarding proposedregulations. In this article for the Manpower Demonstration ResearchCorporation, RichardHendra addresses the question: “How should a government administrator orservice provider integrate AI into agency programs?”  He emphasises that AI is no “easy button” buta powerful tool that must be managed. He lists six strategies that can help theuser. Analysts conclude that AI-based algorithms could helpprioritize high-needs cases in some workforce development programs, but theyinvolve tradeoffs – in increased cost, complexity, and risk of bias.  Success in program design and service deliverystill depends on understanding the power and limitations of the tool being usedand on the careful handling and understanding of the data being examined.

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