What is Overpopulation? Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Aug 08, 2024 | Population Media Center

The world’s population is still increasingin large annual increments (about 80 million per year), and the supply of vitalnon-renewable resources is being exhausted. Many factors contribute tothese unsustainabletrends, including falling mortality rates, underutilized contraception, anda lack of education for girls, suggests Joseph Bish of the Population Media Center. More people result in an increased demand for food, water,housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more. And that consumptioncontributes to ecological degradation, increased conflicts, and a higher riskof large-scale disasters like pandemics.  The author suggests that conversationson overpopulation should focus on the collective responsibility to stewardEarth’s resources sustainably, rather than on assigning blame or dividingcommunities. By fostering understanding and promoting access to education andreproductive health services, a more equitable and sustainable future for allmay yet be achieved.



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