From Poverty to Prosperity: Assessing of Sustainable Poverty Reduction Effect of “Welfare-to-Work” in Chinese Counties

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Aug 13, 2024 | Springer Nature

The “welfare-to-work” program is acomprehensive supportive policy in China’s 14th five-year plan period. Based onthe data at the county (city) level in China from 2000 to 2019 and sustainabledevelopment theory, a county-relative poverty evaluation system wasconstructed. All 832 impoverished counties across the country and 128,000impoverished villages have been removed from the poverty list. Overall regionalpoverty has been resolved, indicating that China’s poverty governance hasentered a new stage reflected by a shift from absolute poverty to relativepoverty, and from income poverty to multidimensional poverty. In their publicationin Springer Nature,  Feng Lan, WeichaoXu et al assess the long-run effectiveness of the welfare-to-work policy onpoverty reduction, finding that it is of great significance in stimulating theinternal impetus of people who are lifted out of poverty to achieve incomegrowth and prosperity, and in promoting regional economic development.

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