While de-escalation of the Ukraine War seems near – it is unclear what sustained peace in the region will look like.
In a June 27 presidential debate, Republican presidential candidateDonald Trump made clear his intention to end the Russo-Ukraine War between theNovember election date and January inauguration. Nearly a month later,Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has alluded to an end of “the hot stage”of the war and Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed interest inUS-led negotiations. Elaborating on a previous Red Cell product by the StimsonCenter, outlining the probabilities of a frozen conflict in the area, anegotiated ceasefire, potential armistice and peace agreement; this Red Cellassessment by Matthew Burrows explores the legitimacy of a second Trumppresidency and its influence on the Russo-Ukraine War. Absent of a clearvictory on either side, both Russia and Ukraine must feel satisfied with anydeal to make it last.
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