Why Donors must Finance Feminist Movements

Sharing core norms and values
Sep 16, 2024 | ODI

Feminist movements and women’s organisations are disadvantaged vis-a-vis other actors and institutions that receive funding to deliver gender equality agendas. At the same time, feminists are striving to counter the negative impacts of anti-gender networks which are financially well-supported - often operating with untracked funding sources. Emilie Tant and Ján Michalko comment in their ODI article that as long as the anti-gender movement benefits from financing volumes that far outstrip those dedicated towards achieving gender equality, further rollbacks to abortion and LGBTQI+ rights will be inevitable. To make impact, donors must change their funding approaches, challenge their assumptions about feminist civil society, and meaningfully fund feminist movements. This can only be done by overcoming assumptions about risks; learning to trust and provide core, flexible funding; with donors pushing for macro-economic reforms. https://odi.org

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