The Crumbling Nuclear Order

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Sep 27, 2024 | Foreign Affairs

Despite the success of global diplomatic efforts to establish norms around the use of nuclear weapons, the world can no longer assume that nuclear weapons will not be used in a conventional conflict. Norms against nuclear use, proliferation, and testing are well established but have been historically contested, especially the norm against nuclear testing. These norms, which have been firmly in place since the mid-twentieth century, are being challenged by a handful of actors, suggest Doreen Horschig and Heather Williams in their article in Foreign Affairs. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are increasingly enabling one another in an “axis of upheaval.” whereby the growing cooperation among them is fueled by their shared opposition to the Western-dominated global order, an antagonism rooted in their belief that that system does not accord them the status or freedom of action they deserve.

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