Echo Chambers Endangering Freedom of Speech and Elections in a Polarized World

Sharing core norms and values
Sep 27, 2024 | Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies

Personal data is highly valuable as it is used by algorithms that personalize services and enables them to predict future interests. The two most well-known practices employing personal data to offer personalized services are user profiling and targeted advertising. In her working paper for the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Sylvia Lissens explains why these practices are not only employed in the economic sphere, but increasingly also in the context of political opinion assessment and (democratic) elections. She advocates for a higher level of protection for political opinions, applied in a purpose context. The latter means that the level of protection should be based on the purpose for which the information on someone’s political opinions is employed. Given the distorted world view that echo chambers potentially may cause, political opinions should not be used for profiling purposes, especially not around the time of elections. Instead, social media providers should display a variety of political advertisements to preserve a democratic debate and enhance the exchange of political ideas.

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