Leading with Artificial Intelligence – Insights for U.S. Civilian and Military Leaders on Strengthening the AI Workforce

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Oct 09, 2024 | Rand Corporation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to significantly affect the U.S. workforce – both civilian and military personnel – through job displacement, augmentation, and the need for widespread upskilling. Many federal agencies and U.S. Department of Defense entities have published AI guidance documents. Congress is also exploring the implications of AI advancement in both the U.S. workforce. In this Rand Corporation publication, Rachel Slama, Nelson Lim, Douglas Yeung et al   inform the policymakers and leaders who are tasked with preparing civilian and military workers how to create, use, and deploy AI in their jobs. The essays provide overviews of technical and organizational issues, challenges, and actionable insights to help organizations effectively integrate AI and equip personnel with AI-related skills. https://www.rand.org

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