The Age of Depopulation: Surviving a World Gone Gray

Sharing core norms and values
Oct 15, 2024 | Foreign Affairs

For the first time since the Black Death in the 1300s, the planetary population will decline – but due to choices made by people, not by diseases, suggests Nicholas Eberstadt in his article in Foreign Affairs. Net mortality -when societies experience more deaths than births - will become the new norm. Leaders and citizens are unprepared for the effect of this new demographic order on societies, economies, and the political order. Driven by an unrelenting collapse in fertility, family structures and living arrangements imagined only in science fiction novels will become unremarkable features of everyday life. But depopulation doesn’t have to be a death sentence for humanity, Eberstadt writes. “Rather, it is a difficult new context, one in which countries can still find ways to thrive.”  

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