BRICS Expansion, the G20, and the Future of World Order

Improving global governance
Oct 15, 2024 | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Stewart Patrick argues in this article by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace that while the risks of adversarial alignment are real, they should be kept in perspective. Rather than a frontal assault on the existing global order, the ultimate impact of BRICS+ is likely to be more measured and incremental, given the diverse preferences of its heterogeneous membership. China is by far the dominant player in the grouping - responsible for nearly 70 percent of its total GDP, and the other countries’ bilateral ties with China predominate. Their income levels vary significantly. India’s per capita GDP ($2,389) is less than a fifth of China’s ($12,720) and a sixth of Russia’s ($15,345). The author suggests that the United States and its Western partners should avoid alarmism and confrontation while taking tangible steps to address emerging powers’ legitimate complaints, advance their reasonable aspirations, and demonstrate that they welcome a more multipolar world.

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