The Dawn of Pivotal Powers in Artificial Intelligence

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Dec 18, 2024 | German Marshall Fund of the US

Pivotal AI powers seek to raise their geo-economic and geopolitical power by leveraging comparative advantages along specific points on the AI value chain. AI is likely to be among the elements that will influence the geopolitical balance of power in an emerging global order. Sharinee Jagtiani and Kristina Kausch - in their article for the German Marshall Fund of the US - note that the US and China have already placed the technology front and center among their national priorities. But AI’s evolution and governance is less likely than those of other technological breakthroughs to rest solely on the decisions of great powers. Certain middle powers also seek to influence the rules by seeing AI as an opportunity to boost their economic, military, political, and socio-cultural competitiveness, and their prestige on the world stage. Further, AI is a unique emerging technology that relies on a complex and diverse supply chain that middle powers can leverage geopolitically.

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