Collective Vision and Global Norms

Sharing core norms and values
Oct 17, 2013 | Oxford Martin School for Future Generations, Pascal Lamy

“The ability to address today’s global challenges is undermined by the absence of a collective vision for society. We urge leaders to establish shared global values to protect the prospects for future generations.” - Pascal Lamy, Chair, Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations and former Director-General of the World Trade Organisation.

The Commissioners' recommendations include:

  • Creating a C20-C30-C40 Coalition to counteract climate change; a new coalition made up of G20 countries, 30 companies, and 40 cities. The coalition could accelerate action on climate change, with measurable targets for initiatives that include energy-efficient buildings, faster market penetration of efficient vehicles and tracking emissions.
  • Establishing a Voluntary Taxation and Regulatory Exchange to address tax abuse and avoidance and harmonise company taxation arrangements, promote information sharing, enhance transparency and governance.
  • Establishing sunset clauses for publicly funded international institutions to ensure regular reviews of accomplishments and mandates to ensure they are fit for 21st century purpose.
  • Introduce CyberEx, a new early warning platform, aimed at promoting a better understanding of common cyber threats, identifying preventative measures, and minimising future attacks for the shared benefit of government, corporate and individual interests.
  • Removing perverse subsidies on hydrocarbons and agriculture, and redirect support to the poor.
  • Fighting non-communicable diseases with a new ‘Fit Cities’ network, a collaboration of food, beverage and alcohol providers, with public health and city authorities, to reduce the burden on health systems.
  • Ending discrimination against future generations by revising discounting methods and adjusting them to take account of the uncertainties, risks and ethical implications for the long term.
  • Setting up Worldstat, a specialist agency charged with undertaking quality control on global statistics, assessing domestic practices, regulating misuse and improving data collection.
  • Investing in Younger Generations: Social protection measures such as conditional cash transfer programmes should be used to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, whilst youth guarantees would help reduce ‘scars’ of long-term unemployment and disconnection. 

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